The Periodic Table of Dumbbell Exercises is a clickable infograph of 104 dumb bell exercises arranged vertically from beginner to advanced and horizontally by muscle group. There are exercises for abs / core, arm, back, chest, legs, shoulders, cardio, and full body functional workouts perfect for HIIT training. Click on any illustration for a video demonstration of the exercise. Photo: Let's be honest; who doesn't love dumbbell curls? #dumbbells #dumbbellworkout #weights

The Periodic Table of Dumbbell Exercises is a clickable infograph of 104 dumb bell exercises arranged vertically from beginner to advanced and horizontally by muscle group. There are exercises for abs / core, arm, back, chest, legs, shoulders, cardio, and full body functional workouts perfect for HIIT training. Click on any illustration for a video demonstration of the exercise. Photo: Let's be honest; who doesn't love dumbbell curls? #dumbbells