Looking for another way to enjoy your bumper crop of zucchini? I say spiralize it up and serve raw, lossed with other delicious green fruits and veggies -- hydrating, nourishing and will help you get that glow on! Finished up with one of my favorite homemade salad dressings - Lemon Gremolata Dressing | Get more healthy salad recipes and clean eating ideas at thefitfork.com

Looking for another way to enjoy your bumper crop of zucchini? I say spiralize it up and serve raw, lossed with other delicious green fruits and veggies -- hydrating, nourishing and will help you get that glow on! Finished up with one of my favorite homemade salad dressings - Lemon Gremolata Dressing | Get more healthy salad recipes and clean eating ideas at thefitfork.com